Trying Xiamen AIR was not something at the top o my wishlist, but I had to reprioritize that as part of my EuroBonus Millionaire challenge: it was one of SkyTeam airlines that I needed to fly. From all the airlines in China, Xiamen was the ones I was the least excited about, especially after the few reviews I saw online. Also because I was flying domestic instead of long-haul, it made it even less exciting. However, and despite it wasn’t the most glamorous experience, the airline was solid and everything went smooth. Here’s a detailed recap of my experience.

Flights MF8502 & MF8387
Cabin Economy Class
Equipment Boeing 737-800
Aircraft B-5528 & B-1915
Flight Time 1h 10m / 2h

How I Booked This Flight

This ticket was one of the few I booked with EuroBonus points. I used 15k EuroBonus + ~600 SEK in taxes. The revenue tickets were expensive at USD 380+. I used AwardFares to quickly get a glimpse of the availability for the date I needed. These were the 13th and 14th flights of my EuroBonus Millionaire trip.


Flight 1: From Shanghai to Xiamen (Xiamen AIR 737-800 Economy Class)


I was staying at the Shanghai Hongqiao Airport Hotel (Air China), which was located in the opposite terminal (~ a 20-minute car ride). I took a taxi to Terminal 1 as there was no free shuttle or bus between the two. I arrived early with plenty of time to check in and go through security, which is something I wanted as it was my very first time in China. The terminal was quiet and peaceful.

Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025)

I went directly to the check-in desks and saw there was a totally separate area for SkyPriority. It looked nice and cozy, as if you were using a concierge service. I wondered how it scales at busy times since the area wasn’t too big. I could use my SkyTeam Elite status to take advantage of it. The agents welcomed me and asked me to take a seat. They couldn’t find me by name and needed the ticket number. They barely spoke English, so I used Google Translate to ask them to change my seats, which I couldn’t select online, and check my frequent flyer number. I wasn’t checking in any luggage, but they can also handle that if you are.

After a few minutes I got my boarding passes and was ready to go through security. There was almost no queue and the security agents were cold but friendly. The whole process took about 10 minutes.

Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025)


I tried visiting the Xiamen AIR lounge, but my attempt was unsuccessful. I had some passes on Visa Airport Companion, and the lounge was marked as available, but at the counter, they said it was only for people with an international connection. Instead, I bought a coffee at KFC.

Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025)


The plane was in a remote position, so we were going to board by bus. Interestingly, the Flighty app showed a different plane assigned to this flight, and at the last minute, while I was on the bus, they notified me of an equipment swap. Kudos to Xiamen’s team that could rearrange the plane in order to avoid delays. I had a tight connection at XMN. While it’s inconvenient to board by bus, at least you get the best views while entering the plane.

Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025)

Cabin & Seat

My first impression while boarding wasn’t great: the plane was warm, and the air felt dense. The 737-800 was about 14 years old and had an aged cabin design before Sky Interior was launched. The legroom was the tightest I’ve tried in my life. The seat was also dirty, with trails of ketchup on the walls. The window was scratched so it was hard to see/record. The crew was friendly, but the boarding process was hectic and noisy. On the bright side, at least it was quick.

Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025)

Taxi & Takeoff

After about 20 minutes, we were ready for departure, so we started taxiing to the runway while the safety video was playing. A nice touch was that the crew handed out a bottle of water before we were on the ground. The takeoff was nice. Views from SHA are not the most scenic, but once we reached cruising altitude, there was more nature, rivers, and some hills to watch.

Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review: Dirty cabin and trails of ketchup.


The flight was short, so the crew started the meal service right after takeoff. To my surprise, and something I didn’t expect, you get a full hot meal for breakfast: beef and chicken with rice, yogurt, fruit, and bread. It was tasty and filling.

Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025)

Approach & Landing

As we approached Xiamen, we had to wait a long time until we were cleared for landing. This time, there were beautiful views around. Despite the wait, we arrived on time.

Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025)

Flight 2: From Xiamen to Guangzhou (Xiamen AIR 737-800 Economy Class)

Transit in Xiamen

Xiamen Airport is also massive, and at the time I landed, it was crowded and busy—much noisier than SHA. I headed towards the gate as I had slightly more than 1 hour to connect. The gate wasn’t far, a 10 minute walk. As I walked towards the gate, I saw several Xiamen AIR lounges available, but I assumed I couldn’t get in either. The plane was already waiting for us at the gate and getting ready. There were absolutely no announcements in English so I had to be super careful I was getting on the right plane. I could use the SkyPriority lane to board among the first passengers.

Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025)

Cabin & Seat

As I boarded this second flight, I noticed a significant difference. This plane was newer and more refreshed, with a Sky Interior cabin and a warmer and friendlier crew. The air was also fresher and chillier. Legroom was still tight but slightly better (maybe a couple of inches more) than the previous flight. Interestingly, this flight was shorter, but the Xiamen-Guangzhou route is busier, too.

One of the flight attendants saw me recording footage and taking pictures and asked me if I wanted help (unlike other airlines where they ask you to stop 😂). She even offered to take a picture with me!

Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025)


Boarding was slightly longer than on the previous flight but more tranquil and calm. Once we were ready, we took off on time after a long taxiing towards the runway.

Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025)


Surprisingly, you also get a meal on this flight despite it taking 1h. The crew offered us a warm Bao (meat bun) with a banana, a pineapple pastry, and water bottle. Pretty good!

Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025) Xiamen Air 737-800 Economy Class Review (2025)


We landed on time, which was actually relieving for me, as I had a connecting flight to Bangkok later that day with Kenya Airways. As we approached the gate, I could spot one of the very few COMAC C919 built and operated by China Southern. They look really nice.

China Southern COMAC C919

Video Review


Trying Xiamen AIR was not at the top of my wishlist, but I had to reprioritize that as part of my EuroBonus Millionaire challenge: it was one of the SkyTeam airlines I needed to fly. Of all the airlines in China, Xiamen was the one I was the least excited about, especially after the few reviews I saw online. Also, because I was flying domestically instead of long-haul, it made it even less exciting. However, although it wasn’t the most glamorous experience, the airline was solid, and everything went smoothly. Here’s a detailed recap of my experience.